Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
At Privé-Swiss your privacy is extremely important. We adhere to the strictest possible standards to insure that your confidentiality is never compromised.
The following privacy policy is specific to what information we do and do not collect from those who visit our website.
By using the Privé-Swiss web site, you agree to the terms of this privacy policy.
1) We do not collect personal information about you when you visit our website unless you choose to provide that information by sending an email to us with such information.
2) The only information that is collected automatically is the following:
- The IP address from which you access our site
- The date and time you access our site
- The internet and web address from which you access our site
This information is used exclusively to measure the number of visitors we have and to identify system performance. Our goal is to continually evaluate and enhance our site to ensure that we are meeting the needs of those who utilize it.
3) We do not use “cookies” on our website to tract visitor information.
4) If you choose to provide us with personal information via email we will use that information for the sole purpose of responding to your questions and providing you with further information.
Your information is never shared with or sold to a third party unless required by law.