One Week Wellness Intensive

One Week Wellness Intensive

The Privé-Swiss One Week Wellness Intensive retreat program is specifically designed for the individual who wants to “get in, get it done, and get out” as quickly as possible. It is an integrated clinical and holistic program incorporating intensive psychotherapy, life coaching, stress management, fitness, delicious meals, and luxurious private accommodations. Privé-Swiss offers an exceptional wellness experience to last a lifetime. Expect results.

This program’s typical client is a person who has gotten derailed in his or her successful, fast-paced life and needs to get back on track — fast and efficiently. Our One Week Wellness Intensive clients do not require psychiatric or medical services and do not have a primary substance abuse or addiction problem.

All services within this program are individual, one on one with our therapists and specialists.

“It was an amazing week. It was beyond my expectations. It was a great opportunity to focus on me for a week.”

“I really am thrilled that I made the decision to come. … I feel much more balanced, centered than I was when I walked in here last Sunday night. I feel better – I feel I have a plan.”

The Prive-Swiss program offers fantastic tools and professionals to assist those people that find themselves unable to handle life’s problems or temptations. A two-week stay is a must to allow transition, counseling, reflection, and a realization that you need a new map for your life.

S., Executive from Miami who came for help with depression, professional issues, and anxiety
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